pods qui sont trop gourmands en mémoire

utilisation anormale au niveau des pods (disque dur qui sature, etc)

pods that are too memory hungry

abnormal use of pods (hard drive saturating, etc.)

  1. pods that are too memory hungry

Following this tutorial:


sum (container_memory_usage_bytes{pod="<pod name>"}) by (node)

Filesystem metrics: https://www.robustperception.io/filesystem-metrics-from-the-node-exporter

  1. Abnormal use pods (hard drive saturating)

Following this (https://devconnected.com/monitoring-disk-i-o-on-linux-with-the-node-exporter/) We can have these:

CPU per pod:

Following this to have CPU usage per pod: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40327062/how-to-calculate-containers-cpu-usage-in-kubernetes-with-prometheus-as-monitori

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