## GitLab Runner Image
## By default it's using registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner:alpine-v{VERSION}
## where {VERSION} is taken from Chart.yaml from appVersion field
## ref: <https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/container_registry/29383?orderBy=NAME&sort=asc&search[]=alpine-v&search[]=>
## Note: If you change the image to the ubuntu release
##       don't forget to change the securityContext;
##       these images run on different user IDs.
  registry: registry.gitlab.com
  image: gitlab-org/gitlab-runner
  # tag: alpine-v11.6.0

## When using GitLab Runner Helm Chart with gitlab-runner-ubi-images (<https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/ci-cd/gitlab-runner-ubi-images/container_registry>)
## the installation fails because dumb-init is not packaged in the image. However, the tini is present.
## This configuration will allow gitlab-runner-ubi-images users to explicitly enabled the use of `tini` instead of `dumb-init`
useTini: false

## Specify a imagePullPolicy for the main runner deployment
## 'Always' if imageTag is 'latest', else set to 'IfNotPresent'
## Note: it does not apply to job containers launched by this executor.
## Use `pull_policy` in [runners.kubernetes] to change it.
## ref: <https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images/#pre-pulled-images>
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

## Specifying ImagePullSecrets on a Pod
## Kubernetes supports specifying container image registry keys on a Pod.
## ref: <https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images/#specifying-imagepullsecrets-on-a-pod>
# imagePullSecrets:
#   - name: "image-pull-secret"

## Timeout, in seconds, for liveness and readiness probes of a runner pod.
# probeTimeoutSeconds: 3

## How many runner pods to launch.
# replicas: 1

## How many old ReplicaSets for this Deployment you want to retain
# revisionHistoryLimit: 10

## The GitLab Server URL (with protocol) that want to register the runner against
## ref: <https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/commands/index.html#gitlab-runner-register>
gitlabUrl: <https://gitlab.com>

## DEPRECATED: The Registration Token for adding new Runners to the GitLab Server.
## ref: <https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/runners/new_creation_workflow.html>
runnerRegistrationToken: "GR1348941C1drtxfNFukr2DuvQHjs"

## The Runner Token for adding new Runners to the GitLab Server. This must
## be retrieved from your GitLab Instance. It is token of already registered runner.
## ref: (we don't yet have docs for that, but we want to use existing token)
# runnerToken: GR1348941C1drtxfNFukr2DuvQHjs
# runnerToken: ""

## Unregister all runners before termination
## Updating the runner's chart version or configuration will cause the runner container
## to be terminated and created again. This may cause your Gitlab instance to reference
## non-existant runners. Un-registering the runner before termination mitigates this issue.
## ref: <https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/commands/index.html#gitlab-runner-unregister>
unregisterRunners: true

## When stopping the runner, give it time to wait for its jobs to terminate.
## Updating the runner's chart version or configuration will cause the runner container
## to be terminated with a graceful stop request. terminationGracePeriodSeconds
## instructs Kubernetes to wait long enough for the runner pod to terminate gracefully.
## ref: <https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/commands/#signals>
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 3600

## Set the certsSecretName in order to pass custom certficates for GitLab Runner to use
## Provide resource name for a Kubernetes Secret Object in the same namespace,
## this is used to populate the /home/gitlab-runner/.gitlab-runner/certs/ directory
## ref: <https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/tls-self-signed.html#supported-options-for-self-signed-certificates-targeting-the-gitlab-server>
# certsSecretName:

## Configure the maximum number of concurrent jobs
## ref: <https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/advanced-configuration.html#the-global-section>
concurrent: 15

## Number of seconds until the forceful shutdown operation times out and exits the process.
## ref: <https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/advanced-configuration.html#the-global-section>
shutdown_timeout: 0

## Defines in seconds how often to check GitLab for a new builds
## ref: <https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/advanced-configuration.html#the-global-section>
checkInterval: 5

## Configure GitLab Runner's logging level. Available values are: debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic
## ref: <https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/advanced-configuration.html#the-global-section>
# logLevel:

## Configure GitLab Runner's logging format. Available values are: runner, text, json
## ref: <https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/advanced-configuration.html#the-global-section>
# logFormat:

## Configure GitLab Runner's Sentry DSN.
## ref <https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/advanced-configuration.html#the-global-section>
# sentryDsn:

## A custom bash script that will be executed prior to the invocation
## gitlab-runner process
#preEntrypointScript: |
#  echo "hello"

## Specify whether the runner should start the session server.
## Defaults to false
## ref:
## When sessionServer is enabled, the user can either provide a public publicIP
## or rely on the external IP auto discovery
## When a serviceAccountName is used with the automounting to the pod disable,
## we recommend the usage of the publicIP
  enabled: false
  # annotations: {}
  # timeout: 1800
  # internalPort: 8093
  # externalPort: 9000
  # publicIP: ""
  # loadBalancerSourceRanges:
  #   -

## For RBAC support:
  create: true

  ## Define list of rules to be added to the rbac role permissions.
  ## Each rule supports the keys:
  ## - apiGroups: default "" (indicates the core API group) if missing or empty.
  ## - resources: default "*" if missing or empty.
  ## - verbs: default "*" if missing or empty.
  ## Read more about the recommended rules on the following link
  ## ref: <https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/executors/kubernetes.html#configure-runner-api-permissions>
  rules: []
  # - resources: ["configmaps", "events", "pods", "pods/attach", "pods/exec", "secrets", "services"]
  #   verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "patch", "update", "delete"]
  # - apiGroups: [""]
  #   resources: ["pods/exec"]
  #   verbs: ["create", "patch", "delete"]
  # - apiGroups: [""]
  #   resources: ["pods/log"]
  #   verbs: ["get"]

  ## Run the gitlab-bastion container with the ability to deploy/manage containers of jobs
  ## cluster-wide or only within namespace
  clusterWideAccess: false

  ## Use the following Kubernetes Service Account name if RBAC is disabled in this Helm chart (see rbac.create)
  # serviceAccountName: default

  ## Specify annotations for Service Accounts, useful for annotations such as eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn.
  ## Values may refer other values as the _tpl_ function is implicitly applied. Mind the quotes when using this, e.g.
  ## serviceAccountAnnotations:
  ##   eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn: "arn:aws:iam::{{ .Values.global.accountId }}:role/{{ .Values.global.iamRoleName }}"
  ## ref: <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/associate-service-account-role.html>
  # serviceAccountAnnotations: {}

  ## Use podSecurity Policy
  ## ref: <https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/policy/pod-security-policy/>
    enabled: false
    - gitlab-runner

  ## Specify one or more imagePullSecrets used for pulling the runner image
  ## ref: <https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/#add-imagepullsecrets-to-a-service-account>
  # imagePullSecrets: []

## Configure integrated Prometheus metrics exporter
## ref: <https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/monitoring/#configuration-of-the-metrics-http-server>
  enabled: true

  ## Define a name for the metrics port
  portName: metrics

  ## Provide a port number for the integrated Prometheus metrics exporter
  port: 9252

  ## Configure a prometheus-operator serviceMonitor to allow autodetection of
  ## the scraping target. Requires enabling the service resource below.
    enabled: false

    ## Provide additional labels to the service monitor resource
    ## labels: {}

    ## Provide annotations to the service monitor ressource
    ## annotations: {}

    ## Define a scrape interval (otherwise prometheus default is used)
    ## ref: <https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/configuration/#scrape_config>
    # interval: ""

    ## Specify the scrape protocol scheme e.g., https or http
    # scheme: "http"

    ## Supply a tls configuration for the service monitor
    ## ref: <https://github.com/prometheus-community/helm-charts/blob/main/charts/kube-prometheus-stack/charts/crds/crds/crd-servicemonitors.yaml>
    # tlsConfig: {}

    ## The URI path where prometheus metrics can be scraped from
    # path: "/metrics"

    ## A list of MetricRelabelConfigs to apply to samples before ingestion
    ## ref: <https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/configuration/#metric_relabel_configs>
    # metricRelabelings: []

    ## A list of RelabelConfigs to apply to samples before scraping
    ## ref: <https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/configuration/#relabel_config>
    ## relabelings: []

## Configure a service resource e.g., to allow scraping metrics via
## prometheus-operator serviceMonitor
  enabled: false

  ## Provide additonal labels for the service
  # labels: {}

  ## Provide additonal annotations for the service
  # annotations: {}

  ## Define a specific ClusterIP if you do not want a dynamic one
  ## ref: <https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#choosing-your-own-ip-address>
  # clusterIP: ""

  ## Define a list of one or more external IPs for this service
  ## ref: <https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#external-ips>
  # externalIPs: []

  ## Provide a specific loadbalancerIP e.g., of an external Loadbalancer
  ## ref: <https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#loadbalancer>
  # loadBalancerIP: ""

  ## Provide a list of source IP ranges to have access to this service
  ## ref: <https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#aws-nlb-support>
  # loadBalancerSourceRanges: []

  ## Specify the service type e.g., ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer or ExternalName
  ## ref: <https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#publishing-services-service-types>
  type: ClusterIP

  ## Specify the services metrics nodeport if you use a service of type nodePort
  # metrics:

    ## Specify the node port under which the prometheus metrics of the runner are made
    ## available.
    ## ref: <https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#nodeport>
    # nodePort: ""

  ## Provide a list of additional ports to be exposed by this service
  ## ref: <https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#defining-a-service>
  # additionalPorts: []

## Configuration for the Pods that the runner launches for each new job
  # runner configuration, where the multi line strings is evaluated as
  # template so you can specify helm values inside of it.
  # tpl: <https://helm.sh/docs/howto/charts_tips_and_tricks/#using-the-tpl-function>
  # runner configuration: <https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/advanced-configuration.html>
  config: |
      name = "zei-runner"
      executor = "kubernetes"


        namespace = "{{.Release.Namespace}}"
        image = "gcr.io/zero-ecoimpact/base/docker:20"
        privileged = true

        cpu_request = "512m"
        memory_request = "2048Mi"
        memory_limit = "16384Mi"

        helper_cpu_request = "512m"
        helper_memory_request = "2048Mi"
        helper_memory_limit = "16384Mi"

        service_cpu_request = "512m"
        service_memory_request = "2048Mi"
        service_memory_limit= "4096Mi"

          type = "gitlab-runner"
          "type=gitlab-runner" = "NoSchedule"

        Type = "gcs"
        Path = "cache"
        Shared = true
          BucketName = "zei-gitlab-runner"

  ## Absolute path for an existing runner configuration file
  ## Can be used alongside "volumes" and "volumeMounts" to use an external config file
  ## Active if runners.config is empty or null
  configPath: ""

  ## Specify the name for the runner.
  # name: ""

  ## The name of the secret containing runner-token and runner-registration-token
  # secret: gitlab-runner

  ## Distributed runners caching
  ## ref: <https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/autoscale.html#distributed-runners-caching>
  ## If you want to use s3 based distributing caching:
  ## First of all you need to uncomment General settings and S3 settings sections.
  ## Create a secret 's3access' containing 'accesskey' & 'secretkey'
  ## ref: <https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/wheres-my-secret-access-key/>
  ## $ kubectl create secret generic s3access \\
  ##   --from-literal=accesskey="YourAccessKey" \\
  ##   --from-literal=secretkey="YourSecretKey"
  ## ref: <https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/>
  ## If you want to use gcs based distributing caching:
  ## First of all you need to uncomment General settings and GCS settings sections.
  ## Access using credentials file:
  ## Create a secret 'google-application-credentials' containing your application credentials file.
  ## ref: <https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/advanced-configuration.html#the-runnerscachegcs-section>
  ## You could configure
  ## $ kubectl create secret generic google-application-credentials \\
  ##   --from-file=gcs-application-credentials-file=./path-to-your-google-application-credentials-file.json
  ## ref: <https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/>
  ## Access using access-id and private-key:
  ## Create a secret 'gcsaccess' containing 'gcs-access-id' & 'gcs-private-key'.
  ## ref: <https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/advanced-configuration.html#the-runnerscachegcs-section>
  ## You could configure
  ## $ kubectl create secret generic gcsaccess \\
  ##   --from-literal=gcs-access-id="YourAccessID" \\
  ##   --from-literal=gcs-private-key="YourPrivateKey"
  ## ref: <https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/>
  ## If you want to use Azure-based distributed caching:
  ## First, uncomment General settings.
  ## Create a secret 'azureaccess' containing 'azure-account-name' & 'azure-account-key'
  ## ref: <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-blobs-introduction>
  ## $ kubectl create secret generic azureaccess \\
  ##   --from-literal=azure-account-name="YourAccountName" \\
  ##   --from-literal=azure-account-key="YourAccountKey"
  ## ref: <https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/>

    # cf <https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/charts/gitlab-runner/-/blob/0-61-stable/values.yaml>
    secretName: gcsaccess

## Specify the name of the scheduler which used to schedule runner pods.
## Kubernetes supports multiple scheduler configurations.
## ref: <https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/scheduling>
# schedulerName: "my-custom-scheduler"

## Configure securitycontext for the main container
## ref: <https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/security/pod-security-standards/>
  allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
  readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
  runAsNonRoot: true
  privileged: false
    drop: ["ALL"]

## Configure update strategy for multi-replica deployments
## Kubernetes supports types Recreate, and RollingUpdate
## ref: <https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/deployment/#strategy>
strategy: {}
  # rollingUpdate:
  #   maxSurge: 1
  #   maxUnavailable: 0
  # type: RollingUpdate

## Configure securitycontext valid for the whole pod
## ref: <https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/security/pod-security-standards/>
  runAsUser: 100
  # runAsGroup: 65533
  fsGroup: 65533
  # supplementalGroups: [65533]

  ## Note: values for the ubuntu image:
  # runAsUser: 999
  # fsGroup: 999

## Configure resource requests and limits
## ref: <https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/>
    cpu: 256m
    memory: 512Mi
    cpu: 256m
    memory: 512Mi

## Affinity for pod assignment
## Ref: <https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity>
affinity: {}

## TopologySpreadConstraints for pod assignment
## Ref: <https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/topology-spread-constraints/>
topologySpreadConstraints: {}
  # Example: The gitlab runner should be evenly spread across zones
  # - maxSkew: 1
  #   topologyKey: zone
  #   whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule
  #   labelSelector:
  #     matchLabels:
  #       foo: bar

## Node labels for pod assignment
## ref: <https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/>
  type: gitlab-runner

## List of node taints to tolerate (requires Kubernetes >= 1.6)
## Ref: <https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/>
  - key: type
    operator: Equal
    value: gitlab-runner
    effect: NoSchedule

## Configure environment variables that will be present when the registration command runs
## This provides further control over the registration process and the config.toml file
## ref: `gitlab-runner register --help`
## ref: <https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/advanced-configuration.html>
# envVars:
#     value: kubernetes

## list of hosts and IPs that will be injected into the pod's hosts file
hostAliases: []
  # Example:
  # - ip: ""
  #   hostnames:
  #   - "foo.local"
  #   - "bar.local"
  # - ip: ""
  #   hostnames:
  #   - "foo.remote"
  #   - "bar.remote"

## Annotations to be added to deployment
deploymentAnnotations: {}
  # Example:
  # downscaler/uptime: <my_uptime_period>

## Labels to be added to deployment
deploymentLabels: {}
  # Example:
  # owner.team: <my_cool_team>

## Annotations to be added to manager pod
  cluster-autoscaler.kubernetes.io/safe-to-evict: true

## Labels to be added to manager pod
podLabels: {}
  # Example:
  # owner.team: <my_cool_team>

## HPA support for custom metrics:
## This section enables runners to autoscale based on defined custom metrics.
## In order to use this functionality, Need to enable a custom metrics API server by
## implementing "custom.metrics.k8s.io" using supported third party adapter
## Example: <https://github.com/directxman12/k8s-prometheus-adapter>
#hpa: {}
  # minReplicas: 1
  # maxReplicas: 10
  # metrics:
  # - type: Pods
  #   pods:
  #     metricName: gitlab_runner_jobs
  #     targetAverageValue: 400m

## Configure priorityClassName for manager pod. See k8s docs for more info on how pod priority works:
##  <https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/pod-priority-preemption/>
priorityClassName: ""

## Secrets to be additionally mounted to the containers.
## All secrets are mounted through init-runner-secrets volume
## and placed as readonly at /init-secrets in the init container
## and finally copied to an in-memory volume runner-secrets that is
## mounted at /secrets.
secrets: []
  # Example:
  # - name: my-secret
  # - name: myOtherSecret
  #   items:
  #     - key: key_one
  #       path: path_one

## Boolean to turn off the automountServiceAccountToken in the deployment
## ref: <https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/service-accounts-admin/#bound-service-account-token-volume>
# automountServiceAccountToken: false

## Additional config files to mount in the containers in `/configmaps`.
## Please note that a number of keys are reserved by the runner.
## See <https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/charts/gitlab-runner/-/blob/main/templates/configmap.yaml>
## for a current list.
configMaps: {}

## Additional volumeMounts to add to the runner container
volumeMounts: []
  # Example:
  # - name: my-volume
  #   mountPath: /mount/path

## Additional volumes to add to the runner deployment
volumes: []
  # Example:
  # - name: my-volume
  #   persistentVolumeClaim:
  #     claimName: my-pvc